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Security and Safety Education

Can Security and Safety Education Support Sustainability?

Security is a vital component of building occupant safety. FMs must develop and maintain a facility security program that includes security policies and procedures, training, tabletop exercises and lockdown drills.

A literature analysis using NVivo software was conducted to investigate whether security and safety education supports sustainability. Word frequency queries analyzed 1283 publication records.

Human Security

The concept of human security has gained increasing attention in recent years. It is a people-centered approach that places individuals at the center of analysis and highlights their vulnerability to global environmental change and other threats.

While critics have pointed out that the human security agenda may be prone to unchecked state interventionism, supporters argue that it provides an important framework for understanding and responding to complex situations such as conflict, natural disasters, and man-made humanitarian emergencies.

Research in the field of human security has found that education processes are a vital part of shaping civil society and its ability to counteract threats. This can be done through various forms of education such as simulations, training, gamification and exercises or by conducting social campaigns in the media. This type of education helps to identify early signs of an emerging crisis and thereby prevents the development of a full-scale emergency situation. It also contributes to the quick return to sustainability once emergency conditions have passed.

Environmental Security

The threat of environmental degradation, from the loss of biodiversity to climate change, is a growing global security issue that threatens humanity’s institutions and well-being. As a result, this concern has emerged as an important factor in national security thinking, with the development of an emerging field called “environmental security.”

In this context, environmental security examines threats posed by environmental events or trends to individuals, communities or nations. It also investigates how these issues are related to international relations and conflict or how they may cross state borders.

It is different from other security concerns, such as event threats like the out-of-the-blue nuclear attack that dominated the preparations of Cold War military strategists. The difference is that environmental threats are long-term and affect the stability of societies and states. Therefore, responding to them is vital. This requires interdisciplinary applied research, workforce training, and collaborative approaches to problem solving. The emergence of this field can be traced to a number of interrelated developments that began in the 1960s. One of the most significant was Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, which caused an increased level of awareness about the environmental impact of chemical pesticides.

Economic Security

Economic security, according to the ICRC, is “the ability of individuals, households or communities to cover their essential needs sustainably and in dignity.” Essential needs include food, basic shelter, clothing, and hygiene; related expenditure, such as for work, transport and education; and essential assets.

Discussions of economic security often focus on the threat of other countries intentionally halting exports, embedding malicious software in key infrastructure and other measures that disrupt supply chains. However, it is also necessary to address threats caused by natural disasters, pandemic policies and other unintentional disruptions.

Educating citizens on how to detect risks, including those in the field of sustainability, can lead to appropriate responses that allow for a quick return to sustainable development after a crisis occurs. Education for safety aims at shaping the character and building social attitudes of citizens, enabling them to be more aware of environmental, economic and personal threats. This in turn can help them to counteract such threats effectively.

Social Security

Social security is a mechanism designed to protect individuals from unforeseen disasters by spreading the risk of such catastrophe among all members of society. Providing security for all in society is the essence of sustainability.

Education for safety is essential to building and cultivating a sense of social security. A society that is aware of the need to safeguard itself can react accordingly to emerging threats by taking corrective and preventive actions.

School districts and county offices of education (COEs) are responsible for developing comprehensive school safety plans (CSSPs) for their schools. These plans must address campus risks, prepare for emergencies, and create safe learning environments. COEs must consult with partnering agencies and stakeholders, including law enforcement, fire, local business owners, and community partners. They are also required to certify that their schools meet the requirements of California law, EC Section 32289.5. For more information about CSSPs, visit the California Legislative Information web page.

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